Physical Education
Welcome to PE!
Mrs. Strong is excited to welcome you to the gym in the fall!
The Goals of Physical Education
The LWSD physical education program strives for
- All students to be physically literate
- All students to be valued for their individual abilities
- All students have confidence and a desire to be physically active for life
PE Behavior Expectations
PE grades are based upon EFFORT, not physical ability or athleticism. Below are the expectations students are graded on.
- I stay focused on PE activities.
- I participate and give my BEST EFFORT in PE activities and games.
- I listen and follow the directions the first time.
- I ask for help when I need it.
- I am respectful to ALL.
- I take care of PE equipment.
- I show good sportsmanship.
- I cooperate with ALL students and demonstrate teamwork.
Grades are established based upon the following:
- 1: Does not show the behavior
- 2: Shows the behavior sometimes
- 3: Shows the behavior most of the time
- 4: Shows the behavior all of the time
Behavior Reminders
If your child needs a reminder about appropriate PE behavior, they will bring home an "On the Bench in PE" form for you to review with them.
Running Club!
Watch here for information about how to join running club in the 2024-2025 school year.
Who: Any McAuliffe student in Kindergarten through 5th grade can join!
When: Wednesday mornings at 8:15am
Join: Running club is done for the fall. Keep your eyes and ears open for more information about the spring Running Club session!
When is PE?
Every student at McAuliffe has PE two times per week for 30 minutes each time. Click HERE to see the school-wide PE schedule so you know when each class attends PE.
Shoes Are Important!
For safety, it is incredibly important that students are wearing athletic shoes on the days they come to PE. If your child isn't wearing athletic shoes for their class, they will sit on the sidelines to learn the skills and games and cheer on their classmates. It is understood that we all have busy mornings and might forget to wear appropriate, safe shoes on a PE day. If that happens, students will take home an "On the Bench in PE" form to help them remember to wear athletic shoes in the future.